Our Approach
You will not be bound to the restrictions of a scheduler, phone queues, phone tag, 45-minute appointments, or a waitlist because we are a small private practice truly concerned about your physical care. As a cash-based practice, an insurance company can never dictate what kind of treatment you receive.

Pelvic Floor Easily, Breezily Explained
Male and female humans are born with pelvic floor muscles. Like most muscles in the body, they strengthen with work and conditioning and weaken or atrophy with disuse (lack of use). The pelvic floor (PF) is positioned from the base of the spine to the base of the pubic bone. The sides of the floor are at the inner hips. The muscles form a basin-like sling; think of a round hammock-shaped configuration of muscles, ligaments, and fascia. Because the sling is connected to the bones of the pelvis and shaped like a basin, it is a perfect container of support for our organs and internal structures.